Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Growing up...not too fast.

I remember the day she was born. I remember the cute things she would say as a little girl. I remember the first time she took ballet. I remember the rehearsals and recitals over the next eight years. I remember how graceful she has always been (I'm biased). Dancing looked easy for her, although I knew it wasn't. She had a good sense of rhythm, maybe because both of her parents are musicians (though her mom has much better rhythm than I do). As I write this I am listening to her play the piano...gracefully, I might add, just like her dancing. She "feels" music like she feels dancing. I remember the day she and her mother left for a mission trip to Jamaica and left her brother and sister and me to fend for ourselves for a week. She matured a lot that week. Actually, I think we all did.

I remember how fearful we were to begin homeschooling her. We thought we would try it through the third grade and see how it went. Over the years some people questioned our decision. But it went well. God allowed us to continue homeschooling way beyond the third grade. God was with us through all of her schooling.

Well, our little girl, Hannah graduated from High School last Saturday. She was a part of a Home School Graduation that featured fifteen students. It was a very moving ceremony. Parents presented diplomas to their children, each expressing words of respect, appreciation and love for one another. It was amazing to witness the bond that had developed between these graduates and their parents. Tears were flowing.

So what's next? Many people, upon the knowledge that Hannah would be graduating, have asked her, "So, have you figured out where you are going to go to college?" To most people, it seems that college is the expected next step. Hannah, though, is not so sure. We've visited impressive schools and spoken to some nice people. But nothing seemed obvious as far as direction for her. Hannah is seeking God's will for her future. At the present time, she is not feeling God's specific promptings and leading for her. As her parents, we are fine with that. My point is, her future should not be based on my or my wife's opinion. She does not need to fit into our mold for her. We will support whatever she chooses to do. We want to help her make the best decision possible for her. She does not want to waste time and money pursuing what may be the wrong direction for her. Ours (and Hannah's) main desire is for her to glorify God with her life wherever He chooses to place her. She is passionate about the arts (i.e. music, dance, etc.). For now, she will continue to work and lead worship with us at Mt Carmel as she seeks His plan for her life. We are proud of our little girl who is growing up and, thankfully, not too fast.

So, as Hannah enters the next season of her life, we will continue to trust God and His plan for our daughter. We love the baby girl who has grown up and become a beautiful woman right before our eyes. Our Heavenly Father, though, loves her even more than we do. He knows what is in store for her and, when all of us are ready, He will reveal His will to us for Hannah's future. So for now, we wait on The Lord and trust in Him.

But those who wait on the LORD
Shall renew their strength;
They shall mount up with wings like eagles,
They shall run and not be weary,
They shall walk and not faint.
Isaiah 40:31 NKJV

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

A man of influence in many lives says goodbye....

When he was young, he was given the nickname, "Mutt" because he was like a pesky dog who wouldn't go away. This young man grew to be an amazing man of influence in many lives. He knew God...very well. He introduced many people to God. He spoke as a man of deep faith and wisdom. He reflected God. He was my wife, Barb's, "Uncle Mutt". After years of working for the Lord, he went home to be with Him last Thursday morning. Carl Ely (his non-canine name) was one of the most kind, loving and Christ-like people I have ever known.

Last year I was preparing to preach (which as a worship minister is not something I do very often). I spoke with Uncle Mutt and asked him how I should approach the sermon for Father's Day. He said that the Christian life comes down to two things, "Love God and Love each other..."

Yesterday at his funeral, the minister was talking about Carl. He said that Carl was great at many things but that what he was best at was "loving God and loving people..." That was a concept I had heard before. Carl lived what he shared.

We can choose to make the world better or worse by how we live. The world is better for having had Carl Ely, the faithful man of God, as a part of it. Carl was faithful...just like man's best friend.