Thursday, November 26, 2009

In all things, at all times...give thanks.

It seems to me that sometimes we forget that God knows better than we do. It is much easier to thank God for the "good" times than it is for the "bad" times. But even when we don't recognize God's blessings, they are still there. So, whether you are at the peak of a mountain top experience in your life or in the depths of a valley of overwhelming challenges, whether you are relishing in the joys of celebration or being tossed about by stormy waves of chaos, realize that God is at work in your life and how you respond to the situation is up to you. A response of thankfulness would be appropriate.

I thought it would be good to send this reminder to you (and me) to give thanks to God in all things at all times because He loves us all more than we can possibly imagine and wants the best for us even when things don't appear that way.

God Bless.

18give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5:18 (New International Version)